A two-month study of avian diversity was conducted in an oil palm plantation in Bintulu,Sarawak in 2010. The preliminary survey of bird diversity showed that there could be a positive correlation between numbers of birds and proximity to secondary forest. The study also suggested that the presence of riparian buffer zones in the plantation had a positive effect on bird diversity.
What does this mean to the plantation in their effort to manage and enhance biodiversity in the estate?
It seems to support the idea that there is need for more natural habitats, enhanced connectivity amongst riparian and other natural habitats and the protection of remnant tall trees. The study highlights the fact that a buffer zone (riparian reserves, unplanted areas, road reserves or other areas where natural habitats can exist) benefits birds, as it constitutes a living, foraging and breeding habitat for birds. Even small steps taken to enhance habitat within an estate can be effective in enhancing bird life in the area.