Wild Asia is pleased to be supporting training for palm professionals to ensure critical elements of new developments. A competency training course will be organized during 3rd – 12th August 2015 at UPOIC Seed & Garden Nursery, Krabi, Thailand, entitled “Advance Oil Palm Nursery Operations & Implementation according to Best Operating Procedures (BOP) & RSPO Standards”. If you have a nursery or plan to have one, this training course offers the fundamentals to Nursery set-up and operations. It will also serve as an excellent refresher course to update you on the current and advance methodologies being practiced in this sector. This is organised by Agrinexus, PalmElit® – CIRAD and UPOIC as part of an “Agrinexus International’s Advance Methodologies in Oil Palm” professional series.
Dr. Reza Azmi, our executive director, is one of the program directors. He will be giving a talk on the topic of “General Introduction to Sustainable Oil Palm Development.” In his talk he will discuss about the current trends that drive agribusiness today and how it impacts new developments.
Date: 3-12th August 2015
Venue: UPOIC Seed Garden & Nursery, Krabi, Thailand
Key Highlights:
- Gain in-depth understanding and knowledge on Oil Palm nursery set up and management in line with Best Operating Procedures and RSPO requirements through industry experts.
- Learn new advancements or innovative technologies to produce superior oil palm seedlings.
- Experience both classroom and hands on learning at a fully operational Oil Palm seed garden and nursery.
- Discover different types of Oil Palm planting material in the Industry and its potential yields.
- Obtain a certificate of Competence at the end of the course through on going assignments.
Click here for more information or here for the Registration form_Module 1
If you would like more information visit www.agrinexusinternational.com
beatrice fuchs says
I run a non-profit palm oil program in Kigoma, Tanzania.
We are planning to run a training course for local government officials and enterprising farmers on nursery set-up and management practices.
We want an instructor to come to Tanzania to run a 5-day course.
Do you have someone who is qualified to do this? What would be the cost (we will cover everything – flights, hotels, per diem, transport).
Thank you,